Safety of the employees is the ENEA Capital Group invariable priority. Principles of this important area management are governed by the provisions of law, internal instructions and regulations, for example: "Live-line working regulations" in ENEA Operator or "Procedure for the identification of potential accidents and emergency situations, and responding in the event of their occurrence in ENEA Wytwarzanie SA in Świerże Górne”. Occupational safety is also regulated by the provisions of the Collective Bargaining Agreement.
OSH trainings
Initial and periodic occupational health and safety trainings, trainings in first-aid or in the field of occupational risk evaluation were carried out in 2013.
Furthermore, i.e. trainings in new technologies and update of safety regulations were carried out in ENEA Operator. Employees were equipped with high quality equipment and tools for live-line working. A new Safe Work Organization Manual for operating electrical devices is binding from 24 October 2013. The training on the Manual was attended by 3421 employees. In turn, Central OSH Unit emerged in ENERGOBUD Leszno in 2013.
Competitions that promote safety
Activities that promote safety in the workplace were carried out in the ENEA Capital Group.
Employees of the ENEA Capital Group could compete in the competition of power knowledge "1 of 10,000". Moreover, ENEA Operator organized the "Live-line working" competition, which allowed to find the best specialists in the field of safe live-line working. ENEA Operator in Zielona Góra employees won in the third edition of this competition. .

Live-line working
Wide-spreading Live-line working as a standard in ENEA Operator brings positive effects:
- It increases the quality of distribution services. Our Clients have access to electricity during various operating procedures and investments. We also use live-line working while connecting new customers to the network without a necessity to cut off the existing ones.
- It significantly improves safety of installation electricians, among others, through investment in tools and equipment, training of more than 1,500 employees and introduction of the uniform principles of organization and responsibility of installation electricians and managers.
- We promote among installation electricians and managers rules of safe work organization through “Live-line working” competition and “Potential – power without interruptions” magazine.
- More than 24 thousand in 2013 and since the beginning of the of the Project implementation around 90 thousand live-line works were performed without a single accident.
Injury rate
There was no fatal accident among the ENEA Capital Group employees employed on a contract of employment.
Liczba wypadków i wskaźnik wypadkowości w spółkach Grupy Kapitałowej ENEA w 2013 r.
Company | Total number of injuries | Injury frequency rate* |
ENEA SA | 2 | 4.87 |
ENEA Operator | 37 | 9.02 |
ENEA Wytwarzanie | 2 | 0.87 |
Elektrownie Wodne | 2 | 12.12 |
PEC Oborniki | 0 | 0 |
Elektrociepłownia Białystok | 1 | 44 |
MEC Piła | 1 | 6.17 |
Annacond Enterprises | 0 | 0 |
ENEA Centrum | 0 | 0 |
ENEA Trading | 0 | 0 |
ENERGOBUD Leszno | 9 | 14.74 |
Eneos | 0 | 0 |
Energomiar | 5 | 26.46 |
BHU SA | 3 | 19.7 |
Hotel EDISON | 0 | 0 |
Energetyka Poznańska Zakład Transportu | 0 | 0 |
ITSERWIS | 0 | 0 |
Centrum Uzdrowiskowe ENERGETYK | 2 | 26.31 |
Energo-Tour | 0 | 0 |
* accident frequency rate = 1000 × number of accidents / number of employed
Accident at the Power Plant in Kozlenice
A tragic accident took place during demolition works of the chimney no. 3 at the Power Plant in Kozienice on 4 December 2013. During the accident four people were killed - employees of a contractor executing works inside the chimney. The modernization works were stopped and relevant services under the supervision of the prosecutor began to examine the circumstances of the tragic accident. Psychological assistance was provided to other persons working at the demolition of the chimney and to the families of the victims.