Lubelski Wegiel "Bogdanka" SA and Katowicki Holding Węglowy SA are two main suppliers of this key for the ENEA Capital Group raw material. 

Water and raw materials

Key raw materials in the supply chain

Hard coal is the main raw material used to generate electricity at ENEA Wytwarzanie. Kozienice power plant used 4921 thousand tons of coal, approx. 243 thousand tons of biomass and 7.7 thousand tons of heavy fuel oil in 2013 to generate energy.

Lubelski Wegiel "Bogdanka" SA (supplier of 71% of coal for ENEA Wytwarzanie) and Katowicki Holding Węglowy SA are two main suppliers of this key for the ENEA Capital Group raw material. Power plant in Kozienice which belongs to ENEA Wytwarzanie also bought coal from Petrokol and JSW SA companies.  Elektrociepłownia Białystok mainly used coal from suppliers abroad in 2013.

Light-up fuel - heavy fuel oil with a sulfur of up to 3 percent. - ENEA Wytwarzanie purchased exclusively from PKN ORLEN SA. Transport of coal to the power plant in Kozienice takes place mainly by rail. 98% of coal transport to ENEA Wytwarzanie was carried out by PKP Cargo SA.

ENEA Capital Group also uses Renewable Energy Sources to generate energy: biomass, hydropower and wind power. As far as biomass is concerned pellets from sawdust, pellets and briquettes from sunflower husk and straw pellets are used. 


Power plant in Kozienice which belongs to ENEA Wytwarzanie purchased 243 988.26 Mg of biomass in 2013. 

Amount of biomass used by ENEA Wytwarzanie SA [Mg]

ENEA Wytwarzanie  Mg 219 302,8 294 658.65 243 010

Main raw materials used by ENEA Wytwwarzanie:

Main war used


Municipal water supply system is a major source of water intake for the companies. Companies of generation segment consume the majority of water in their basic business activity.

The greatest responsibility associated with the protection of water resources rests with ENEA Wytwarzanie SA. Power plant in Kozienice which belongs to ENEA Wytwarzanie is located in the vicinity of the Vistula river and the protection of water is one of the priorities of the ENEA Wytwarzanie environmental management.

9 cubic meters of fuel oil leaked into the Vistula in Power plant in Kozienice in July 2014. A detailed description of preventive measures is HERE.

Total water withdrawal in the ENEA Capital Group companies.

CompanyTotal water withdrawal  [m3]Main sources of water intake used by the Company in 2013Water withdrawal by source [m3]
ENEA SA 4701 water supply system water supply system: 2813
wells wells: 1888
ENEA Operator 60 476 municipal wells and water supply system water supply system: 57 701
wells: 2775
ENEA Wytwarzanie 7 361 720
for industrial purposes: surface water (Vistula river)
surface water: 7 093 294 
for municipal-social purposes: groundwater ground water: 268 426
Elektrownie Wodne 3500 water supply system one source of water intake
PEC Oborniki 2172 municipal water supply system one source of water intake
Elektrociepłownia Białystok  695 172 municipal water supply system municipal water supply system – 40 100
own deep wells  deep wells – 655 072
MEC Piła no data no data no data
Annacond Enterprises* no data no data no data
ENEA Centrum** no data no data no data
ENEA Trading *** no data no data no data
ENERGOBUD Leszno**** 2680 no data no data
Eneos 1273 municipal water supply system in Poznań and Szczecin municipal water supply system Poznań – 835m3, municipal water supply system Szczecin - 438m3
Energomiar 717,57 municipal water supply system one source of water intake
BHU 1117  water supply system one source of water intake
Hotel EDISON 2150 Sewage of Tarnowo Podgórne District one source of water intake
Energetyka Poznańska Zakład Transportu 767 municipal water supply system one source of water intake
ITSERWIS 470 municipal water supply system one source of water intake
Centrum Uzdrowiskowe ENERGETYK 26 274 water supply system of Sewage Company in Inowrocław one source of water intake
Energo-Tour 4466 municipal water supply system one source of water intake

*Annacond Enterprises company subleases offices from Heat Engineering Technology Europe company and does not address the issue of water withdrawal.

** ENEA Centrum doesn’t keep records of waste generation, since it doesn’t own offices, which it uses. ENEA Centrum leases offices from other companies of the Capital Group and from Rentall company.

*** ENEA Trading doesn’t own office spaces which are rented from ENEA SA, ENEA Wytwarzanie and Energetyka Poznańska Zakład Transportu. Operating costs are included in the rent.


Waste by type of waste [Mg]

Hazardous wasteOther than hazardous waste
ENEA SA 0.031 1.061
(municipal waste 60.5)
ENEA Operator 444.66 5989.8
ENEA Wytwarzanie 44.39 783 985.23
Elektrownie Wodne 4.966 26.112
PEC Oborniki Slag 1017.5 no data
Batteries 0.002
Fluorescent lamps 0.0195
Toners 0.0053
Steel scrap 10.1
Plastic packaging 0.0029
Computers 0.013
Monitors 0.013
Elektrociepłownia Białystok  0.384 25 632.686
MEC Piła 1 6415
Annacond Enterprises* no data no data
ENEA Centrum** no data no data
ENEA Trading*** no data no data
ENERGOBUD Leszno Produced 1095.063 Produced 817.757
Collected 7.355 Collected 81.873
Recycled 427.065  
Eneos 3.114 138.274 (without municipal waste)
Energomiar 0.0237 147.585
BHU 5.373 5.274
Hotel EDISON**** no data no data
Energetyka Poznańska Zakład Transportu 2.81 2.085
ITSERWIS 0.4 0.291
Centrum Uzdrowiskowe ENERGETYK Waste code 180103 – 0.035 Waste code 200301 – 670 m3
Energo-Tour 0.2195 External contracts for export

* Annacond Enterprises company subleases offices from Heat Engineering Technology Europe company and does not address the issue of waste disposal..
** ENEA Centrum doesn’t keep records of waste generation, since it doesn’t own offices, which it uses. ENEA Centrum  leases offices  from other companies of the Capital Group and from Rentall company.
***  ENEA Trading doesn’t own office spaces which are rented from ENEA SA, ENEA Wytwarzanie and Energetyka Poznańska Zakład Transportu. Operating costs are included in the rent.
****  In connection with the new law called "junk", the company doesn’t receive invoices, and only pays a fixed fee to municipality by the declaration, which shows the capacity and the amount of owned containers. Hence the lack of data regarding the specific amount of waste collected.