ENEA Capital Group also conducts targeted at customers educational activities in the field of efficient energy use. 


The Capital Group aims to minimize energy consumption. It mainly results from the optimization of energy generation and distribution processes. Furthermore, companies’ energy efficiency  is affected by the employees through daily habits and solutions implemented in office buildings. ENEA Capital Group also conducts targeted at customers educational activities in the field of efficient energy use.

Examples of such initiatives can be found HERE.

Total electricity consumption (MWh)

CompanyTotal electricity consumption
ENEA SA 1 535.31
ENEA Operator company's own needs – 40 334
company's network losses – 1 465 456
ENEA Wytwarzanie 931 907,97
Elektrownie Wodne 1 500
PEC Oborniki 802
Elektrociepłownia Białystok  75 868.215
MEC Piła 3 033
Annacond Enterprises* no data
ENEA Centrum** no data
ENEA Trading*** no data
ENERGOBUD Leszno 863
Eneos 182.191****
Energomiar 280.1
BHU 585.49
Hotel EDISON 237.199
Energetyka Poznańska Zakład Transportu 9 494
Centrum Uzdrowiskowe ENERGETYK 487.636
Energo-Tour 457.896

* Annacond Enterprises Company subleases office spaces and doesn’t account for  electricity consumption.
** ENEA Centrum doesn’t keep records of energy consumption, since it doesn’t own offices, which it uses. ENEA Centrum  leases offices  from other companies of the Capital Group and from Rentall company.
*** ENEA Trading doesn’t own office spaces which are rented from ENEA SA, ENEA Wytwarzanie and Zakład Transportu in Poznań. Operating costs are included in the rent.
**** Including 3,086 MWh photovoltaic installation.

Examples of activities that minimize energy consumption

ENEA Wytwarzanie

  • replacement of the electrostatic precipitator in unit no. 8 equipped with energy saving program; saving of electricity consumption is 236.79 kWh/h;
  • modernization of coal transfer buildings 500 MW (Phase I) and 200 MW (Phase II) in the field of lighting;
  • Replacement of exhaust fans to exhaust fan system with an power inverter within the building of denitrification system for unit no. 8 in 2017. It is necessary because of the increased flow resistance caused by the building for denitrification unit catalytic converters. 

PEC Oborniki

  • combination of two coal-fired boilers and a gas boiler, which gives estimated electricity savings of 30%.